I cannot recommend anyone take anything... This is not medical advice, nor should it be substituted for medical advice from your practitioner. This is anecdotal information, from my own experience with kratom. I can only tell you what I take, personally, as a long-time kratom user. I can take 8-12 grams at a time of a good green maeng da kratom. However, I have found information online that says a single serving is 5 grams.
When I was new to kratom, I tried 4-5 capsules the first few times, just to see how it would affect me. I soon thought that maybe I hadn't taken enough, so I would then take 3-4 more capsules an hour or two later, making that a total of 7-10 capsules at one sitting. I would take that amount several times of day, as I needed it, which usually worked out to in the morning, at lunch, in the afternoon/before supper, and then again before bed. I did this for many months. I still take kratom, though I also take tolerance breaks... I'm not advising you to do any of this, I am simply telling you my personal experience.
According to a comprehensive analysis by Dr. Jack Henningfield, Ph.D, kratom’s potential for abuse and dependence is no greater than such widely used and unscheduled substances as nutmeg, hops, St. John’s Wort, chamomile, guarana, and kola nut. You can read the full report here.
I can't advise you to do anything... But I can tell you that I have found benefits in mixing strains. My favorite is a mix of green, red, AND white. It gives me all of the effects of kratom, solid, across the board.
1836 Kratom makes a strain called "Atomic", it is a green maeng da, mixed with a white and a red that I quite like; though some people have told me they prefer the lift that the "Green Means Go" gives them. Everyone is different, so it's a good idea to try strains and their variations to see what works for you - though I can't advise you to take any of it...
According to kratomcrazy.com: As of right now, kratom and its alkaloids remain unregulated and legal to buy, sell and consume in the state of Texas. However, these laws could change at any time. Thus far, public comment and advocacy efforts by the AKA (American Kratom Association) have managed to convince the government to postpone a once-imminent kratom ban.
It is imperative that you help support the organization that advocates for kratom, the American Kratom Association. If you are able, please consider donating to the cause here: https://www.americankratom.org/advocacy/donate.html
According to their website, The American Kratom Association needs your support to ensure they can continue their efforts. Here's how YOU make a difference:
* Your donations help the AKA continue our lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill and in state capitals around the country
* Your donations help the scientific efforts continue to prove kratom is safe for consumers
* Your donations help the AKA ensure consumer kratom is following good manufacturing programs
Kratom Saves Lives!!
is an artist and a writer; a graphic and web designer; a sound explorer + just grateful to be here.
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