Kratom Tea

27 February 2021   |   by dc   |   PERSONAL INSIGHT FROM A KRATOM USER

How do I make kratom tea?

I have made kratom tea many times. The taste is actually pleasant, once you add honey to the mix! I would brew 2 heaping teaspoons in a 2 liter tea kettle. I would have to stand next to it, as the kratom tends to boil FAST, and boil over... After I brought the kratom tea to a boil, I would let the kettle sit for at least 30 minutes, in order to pull out all of the alkaloids/ into the water. I chose not to strain the kratom from the water (it does not dissolve), but I left the kratom in the water. I found leaving the kratom in the water made the kratom tea more potent. I usually sip on kratom tea all day when I make it! The kratom powder sold in our kratom shop is what I make the kratom tea with. That same powder can also be put into capsules; kratom powder is exactly the kratom in kratom capsules, and it's also what the tea is made from. Same thing, for those who wonder. The only difference being your stomach has to dissolve the vegan capsule before the kratom will start being absorbed into the system. Taking the kratom powder, drinking the kratom tea, or ingesting the kratom liquid extract works a little faster, as there is no capsule/barrier to digest.

Benefits of kratom tea

Making kratom tea in San Antonio provides the same benefits as kratom powder or kratom capsules! Some people think that boiling the kratom tea and drinking the results provides a stronger effect, since the alkaloids are pulled out by the hot water. I am unsure of this. Benefits of taking kratom that I have PERSONALLY experienced include minimizing opiate withdrawal symptoms, elevating my mood, boosting my energy, and it also helped to pull me out of depression. Kratom is a miraculous plant for many people! #kratomsaveslives




is an artist and a writer; a graphic and web designer; a sound explorer + just grateful to be here.

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